Kimiko Tanabe


Sliding Scale

Kimiko Tanabe will facilitate a class centering embodied processing, rooting into our bodies to stay connected to our humanity right now, and building community in support of a free Palestine. Bring your rage, grief, confusion, and desires for postcolonial futures.

A mirror selfie of kimiko tanabe wearing a neon green tank top with her dark hair in a bun holding a jar of lilies.

Kimiko Tanabe

Kimiko (she/her) is a fourth generation (Yonsei) Japanese American dance and performance artist. She explores the mediums of performance art, dance, writing, origami and paper, and is in a committed partnership with her .38 Muji pen. She is forever fascinated with Japanese folklore and as a lover of literature she finds herself making important life decisions under the eyes and influence of fiction. For Kimiko, art is intimate and inexact.

Kimiko currently performs with glenn potter-takata and Shannon Yu, and has performed with marion spencer, Kizuna Dance, Lisa Fagan and Hannah Mitchell. She is a Fall BAX Space Grantee (2022), Gallim Moving Artist in Residence (2022), Crown Family Professorship for Innovation in the Arts Artist in Residence at Colorado College (2023), Fresh Ground Pepper Play Ground Play Group (2021), and Artist in Residence at The Floor on Atlantic (2021).


Image courtesy of the artist


Jennifer Nugent | NOV 3 & 10