Space guidelines…
Trisk agrees to maintain a safe home for artists to create; honor our space and the beings and objects within it; operate with compassion, love, and considerations; continually cultivate an environment where care and trust inform our actions; respect each person's humanity; work in collective collaboration with our community to find solutions and evolutions; not tolerate violent or abusive speech or actions; constantly evaluate ourselves and hold ourselves accountable.
Trisk is a sanctuary space. We agree to provide a safe space where people won’t be mistreated because of their race, gender, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, religious faith, political or scientific views; protect information on the immigration status of all members, staff, artists, and visitors; agree to not allow federal immigration authorities to search the premises without court-issued warrants specific to those premises.
Everyone is entitled to arts and culture without fear.
Our ears and hearts are open.
Please join us in collectively agreeing to these guidelines to ensure safety, respect, and kindness within our community.
Rehearsal rates are subsidized by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.