This is How We Remember

Image of a paper sculpture on the left of frame, with strips of yellow paper hanging and projected image of Zoe dancing on the right.

NOVEMBER 17 & 18, 2022

$20 in advance / $25 at-the-door

This is How We Remember is a meditation on loss and wonder - both personal and collective - and our responsibility to remember ourselves to one another in the face of grief. A live multimedia performance featuring original movement performed by Mary McGrath and Zoe Rabinowitz, choreography by Zoe Rabinowitz, new music score by Galen Bremer, text, and video projection on found and fabricated objects. The work bears witness to deterioration and transformation over time. In a period of personal, political, social and environmental dissonance, This is How We Remember offers a space for reflection and revaluation, influenced by experiences ranging from Alzheimer's to covid to climate change.

Zoe Rabinowitz is an independent dance artist and educator based in Brooklyn, as well as a yoga instructor and Executive Director/lead performer with Yaa Samar! Dance Theatre (NYC/Palestine). Zoe graduated from Walnut Hill School for the Arts and The Ailey/Fordham BFA program, with additional studies at De Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Netherlands).

Galen Bremer is a Brooklyn-based composer, producer, and multimedia artist. His artwork uses noise, synthesis, and listening to explore elements of performance art and technology. He frequently collaborates with choreographers and filmmakers to create films, new media works, and compositions seen/heard at multiple venues in NYC and abroad. Galen is currently an MFA candidate in the Media Scoring program at the Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema.

Galen and Zoe have been collaborating since 2013. Together they have been awarded residencies at Marble House (VT), Lake House Studios (Berlin) and Judson Church (NYC), and created numerous original works for stage, site, and film presented in NYC, around the US, and abroad in Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Mexico and South Korea.

Facebook: @zoe.rabinowitz.5
Instagram: @zeebeezey
www.zoerabinowitz.com www.galenbremer.com

Image of Zoe submerged in blue-green water.
Image of a school of silver fish swimming in Newtown Creek, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Photo credits top to bottom: Galen Bremer, Zoe Rabinowitz, Galen Bremer

This is How We Remember is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).

Brooklyn Arts Council Logo

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*Triskelion Arts is ADA-compliant and committed to making our theater welcoming and accessible to all. For seating questions, and accommodation, or assistance is needed for purchasing tickets, please contact us at 718.389.3473 or info@triskelionarts.org. Accessible seats are available for each performance and an accessible restroom is located on street level.